
Nina Pawlak

The volume presents the current stage of research on Hausa, with particular reference to its cultural background which is readable from the Hausa vocabulary, phraseological expressions and pragmatic aspects of the language structures in the process of communication. It is very valuable monograph for the studies on the Hausa language and its relationships with the languages of “others”. This volume contains articles not only by well-known representatives of Hausa and African linguistics but also newcomers to the field who make a welcome contribution to Hausa studies. The volume represents a New Trend on Interfaces between the language, literature and culture of the Hausa and the people they represent. What has been presented by the authors is an absolutely new line of research that needs to be explored further by more Hausa scholars of today. It is really an excellent contribution to Hausa linguistic and cultural studies. Tom przedstawia aktualny stan badań nad językiem hausa, ze szczególnym odniesieniem do kulturowych uwarunkowań, które można odczytać z hausańskiego słownictwa, frazeologii i pragmatycznych aspektów struktur językowych w procesie komunikacji. Jest bardzo wartościową pozycją w badaniach nad językiem hausa i jego związkami z językami „obcymi”.