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Main Challenges for Democracy, the Rule of Law and the Protection of Human Rights in the Modern World

Main Challenges for Democracy, the Rule of Law and the Protection of Human Rights in the Modern World



Professor Jerzy Jaskiernia is one of the most outstanding contemporary constitutionalists, not only in the national but also international dimension. The study summarizes 50 years of his public activity – scientific, organizational, and political. A measure of Professor Jaskiernia’s impressive achievements in these areas is the list of the Jubilarian’s achievements included in the book. The publication includes fifty-two papers prepared by fifty-six scientists affiliated with research centers in Poland and recognized foreign constitutionalists representing universities in Germany, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Such a wide circle of Authors, including not only the friends and colleagues of the Jubilarian, his students, and associates but also other people who came into contact with Professor Jaskiernia during his public activity, is unequivocal proof of respect and gratitude for his achievements, going far beyond the achievements of the legal community.

As a result, the study presents the title issues (Challenges for Democracy, the Rule of Law, and the Protection of Human Rights in the Modern World) in a complete and comprehensive manner. In addition to texts on strictly systemic topics, the reader will also find works with a philosophical, sociological, and political science profile, relating to the main and current problems of the functioning of the state, law, and society in Poland and other countries. This circumstance undoubtedly makes the reviewed work particularly valuable.

The studies systematically reflect on the book’s most important threads. The first part (Roots and Development of Democratic Ideas) is devoted to the democratic system axiology. The second part (Challenges of Democracy) concerns the theory of democracy, including papers on the contemporary challenges of the development trends and possible crises of democratic values, and provides an excellent supplement to dogmatic considerations. In the study’s third part (Challenges for the Rule of Law and Security), the authors take up many multi-faceted issues regarding the principles of the rule of law, such as judicial independence, freedom of economic activity, military, cyber and environmental security – both internally and internationally. The last part (Challenges for the Protection of Human Rights) relates directly to the specific freedoms and rights of the individual and problems currently related to their effective observance.

From the publishing review of Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Patyra,

professor of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin

Adam Marszałek
Oprawa twarda

ISBN: 978-83-818-0606-0

Liczba stron: 874

Format: 16.0x22.5cm

Cena detaliczna: 130,65 zł

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